Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Bonus Thought: Fixate Our Eyes

This is a bonus thought for the week.  Even though we will not have school on Thursday, An Elmore Thought Article will still be published.

The Lutheran school Principals across Michigan are reading the book, "Switch" from Chip and Dan Heath together.  In our regional meetings, we discuss a chapter at a time.  During my read for my upcoming meeting today, a section stood out to me.  It stood out as it is related to some of these Elmore Thoughts we been reading about too. Especially the focus on Growth part.

In this book, the section is talking about how as humans we focus on the bad before the good or that "bad is stronger than good."  To illustrate this point, the authors shared this story with us, as a father, I find I do this too;

"Your child comes home one day with her report card. She got one A, four B's, and one F. Where will you spend your time as a parent?"
Nearly all parents will tend to fixate on that F.  We will even rationalize that thought as; Something seems broken - we should fix it.  Let's get her a tutor.  Or maybe she should be punished - she's grounded until that grade recovers. I know I been there, rarely do we think or say;  Honey, you made an 'A' in this one class.  You must really have strength in this subject.  How can we build on that?

The chapter continues to talk about trying to realign our thinking.  Fixating our eyes on the positive.  As Christians, we are to Fixate our Eyes on the Lord.  Imagine the world in which you experienced a rush of gratitude every single time you flipped a light switch and the room lit up.  For us, husbands, imagine when we forgot our wife's birthday instead of going to the dog house she says, "For thirteen of the last fourteen years you remember my birthday! That's wonderful!"  Hard to imagine, isn't it.  But, it is possible.  I will leave you with this final thought and question to answer for yourself, "What is the ratio of the time you spend solving problems to the time you spend scaling success?"  Fixate your Eyes on the Future, not the past.  Be a solution based thinker,

I hope everyone has a great long weekend!

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